Doggy daycare - $30 per day
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Our Doggy daycare involves a action-packed day of playing, running and training.
LuckyDawg days are scheduled for both active periods and rest periods. Yappy hour and group games are designed to break up the pack to train, increase your dog's patience, self-control, and ability to withstand distractions.
Daily Daycare Schedule:
Morning play time
Yappy Hour
Group games
Nap time or lunch time (by request)
Afternoon play time
Yappy Hour
Group games
Regular closing time (owner pick-up, leave in pet taxi or overnight boarding)
What is Yappy Hour?
Yappy Hour is where we work on commands and behaviors in a group play environment. Some of the commands and behaviors encouraged include "sit," "stay," "come," "down," "wait," and fun tricks like "shake."
What are Group games?
The games we play are designed to help build confidence in addition to being both mental and physical exercise.